Les airoldi habillent leur cour

A follow-up to the hit show Les Airoldi habillent leur maison, (The Airoldis Spruce Up Their House), designer Jean Airoldi and his wife Valérie Taillefer are giving a complete makeover to the outside of their suburban Montreal home. As the 7-part series unfolds, we follow the entire family’s efforts to spruce up the exterior of their house and yard. We also follow their involvement in their local community garden. Valérie and Jean work hand-in-hand once again and even share the tools with their two little girls! Les Airoldi habillent leur cour is a fascinating daily glimpse into the Airoldi’s life as they embark on this big adventure together.
1 season, 7 episodes
30 min
- Magazine
- Canal Vie
1 season,
7 episodes,
2011 - 2012
- 7 X 30 min (2011-2012)