Urgence santé mentale – Quel jour on est?

In ten 30-minute episodes, the Urgence Santé Mentale – Quel jour on est? documentary series offers a breathtaking look into the challenges that intervention teams face in dealing with people in crisis situations or with those who’ve lost their grip on reality. In tandem with these actions in the field, we try to keep up with the hectic daily pace in the psychiatric emergency room at Hôpital Notre-Dame. The series not only debunks many of the misconceptions about mental illness, but also focuses on the work of those specializing in accompanying people in distress and providing them with the help and care they need.
1 season, 10 episodes
30 min
- Documentary
- Moi et CIE
1 season,
10 episodes,
2018 - 2019
- 10 X 30 min (2018-2019)