Quel âge me donnez-vous?

This Quebec adaptation of the show 10 Years Younger is hosted by Jean Airoldi and leverages the know-how of an entire team of specialists to help women who have a poor body image because they feel like they look older than they really are. Each guest is hand-picked to undergo a six-week makeover that ends up with a younger-looking lady whose appearance matches her actual age. It’s not just a makeover, it’s a makeyounger!
4 seasons, 78 episodes
30 min
- Magazine
- Canal Vie
4 seasons,
78 episodes,
2014 - 2018
- 13 X 30 min (2017-2018)
- 26 X 30 min (2016-2017)
- 26 x 30 min (2015-2016)
- 13 x 30 min (2014-2015)