Une chance qu'on s'aime!

Relationships between men and women are often disconcertingly complex and even the best of us could use an edge sometimes. Finally there’s a hip new show called Une chance qu’on s’aime (It’s a Good Thing We Love Each Other) that brings both girls and guys to the table as they tackle the big questions. The themes of each program – for example, fidelity, money issues, seduction, friends, organization, etc. – were the subjects of a revealing poll given to ordinary Quebecers. Marie Plourde and her team of knowledgeable collaborators offer an equal stage to both the male and female perspectives and welcome audience participation in this colourful and candid take on the whole ‘relationship thing’.
2 seasons, 43 episodes
60 min
- Magazine
- Canal Vie
2 seasons,
43 episodes,
2003 - 2005
- 17 X 60 min (2004-2005)
- 26 X 60 min (2003-2004)